Empowering Peacemakers
Please allow me to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to an upcoming seminar on crime prevention and public safety entitled “Empowering Peacemakers” at St. Basil's Academy in Garrison, New York on Saturday March 15th.
The hope is that seminars such as this will help inform participants about the impact of crime on parish communities, available resources, and how we can bring positive changes to the world around us as good samaritans and peacemakers.
The topics that will be covered will be:
The Good Samaritan (Speaker: Fr Jason) - A reflection on how our faith informs and empowers us to live in the world as Good Samaritans.
A SITREP (Situation Report) on crime and how it affects Religious Communities. (Speaker Frank Guglieri) Frank is a former member of the Yorktown Heights Police Department. He has dedicated his career to the education of law enforcement and public institutions. He currently serves as the Regional Safety Coordinator for BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) in Putnam and Westchester Counties.
RSVPs can be made by selecting the following link:
Registration for Crime and Public Safety Seminar at St. Basil’s
Please feel free to reach out to me at frjasondickey@gmail.com / (219) 895-0626 should you have any questions.